
marketin platform


marketin platform

Solution Development: set up is missing solutions Product details page

Project development: allow project to upload pdf/file for project Functionality and for project development requirement

Client project record and submission to admin project manage is missing project logo that was submitted with application

About assigning project to developing partner

a)Menu display should include list of business and Individual partners

b)Display development partners needs to be set up as a draw down type menu list that will allow you to select one or select all from menu list display:

Solution Development: set up is missing solutions Product details page

Project development: allow project to upload pdf/file for project Functionality and for project development requirement

Client project record and submission to admin project manage is missing project logo that was submitted with application

About assigning project to developing partner

a)Menu display should include list of business and Individual partners

b)Display development partners needs to be set up as a draw down type menu list that will allow you to select one or select all from menu list display